Traditional advertising and sales are dying. Magazines are not as relevant and don’t have any pulling power, it’s also difficult to collect data from it too. Cold calls..well who really like getting a random number ringing and trying to force a sale without checking if you need it or not, there’s no connection there and the call is just around the sell.

Crime Scene Violent Murder Homicide Forbidden Area

Build relationships, so you never need to cold call again. Not say cold calls will never work, but imagine the number of calls you would have to make before you got a sale. Wouldn’t it be better if people came to you instead?

Traditional methods are no longer effective and do not work anymore. Here are three reasons why:

1. consumers no longer get sold – they want to do their own research and build credibility. For example, if you own a restaurant they will check the reviews first before deciding. People will look at reviews for everything. 

2. Consumers hate being bombarded – we live in an information-heavy world where we are constantly bombarded with hard-sales online and offline. We’ve come to a point where we hate ads on TV, magazines, social media. How many people respond to an ad on Facebook which focuses purely on selling to you?

3. Consumers ignore everything – people barely resin to messages from friends why do they want to spend 20 mins on the phone to someone they don’t know. 

Angry businessman throwing away his phone

THE ANSWER!Don’t advertise! 

Help them!

Help message in a bottle

Consumers still have problems and needs. They don’t care about you, they care about how to solve their problem(s).

And that is what Inbound Marketing is!

Attract people to you, instead of pushing your product/service onto them!  Create content that will help your target audience. 

The solution is to answer their questions, solve their problems, and start building a relationship. Once you build that relationship, they will trust you as an authority and be curious about what solutions you have that can solve their problems.

“First they like you, they know you, they trust you, and then they buy from you!”

The Magic Dust

Magic Book with super powers - 3D generated artwork

The solution is simple and listed below in the following steps:

  1. Identify problems your target customer has
  2. Write articles about them
  3. Publish them on your blog page
  4. Promote – email list, Facebook, Twitter etc
  5. Customers find them, read them and see you as the authority 
  6. They’ll become curious about your solutions
  7. They start following you
  8. You provide them with more answers to other questions, but with the opportunity to contact you
  9. They book a meeting or call with you
  10. You then have the easiest sale in the world because the lead already knows, likes and trusts you

If you do this you’ll have them calling/booking meetings with you. You’ll never have to cold call again.  

If you require assistance in creating articles that provide solutions to YOUR customers’ problems we have a team full of experts who create articles providing solutions in all industries. Contact us here to find out how we can be your solution! 

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