Videos are massively growing in digital marketing.

And it’s because video content has many benefits compared to text-based content (nothing wrong with text-based content however and something that you should continue to do). The main reasons are it’s more engaging and memorable too.

The reason why videos are such a great way of making content is it can do GREAT things for your SEO. Videos’ cam influence some Google ranking factors. 

And here are 3 reasons on why using videos help improve your SEO:

1. Dwell Time

Dwell time is the time a user remains on your page before bouncing back tot he search results page. 

One way is by creating longer content for users to read that is engaging and valuable for the visitor. But let’s be honest how many people read long pieces of content and easy way to increase this dwell time and keep users engaged is by creating useful content via video. 

Videos immediately capture the user’s attention and if the content is engaging and useful it will keep them engaged for the whole duration of the video. 

By increasing your dwell time, Google interprets that as providing value to your visitors. As a result, you will earn more organic traffic! Simples 🙂 

2. Page quality 

If you want your pages to rank better on Google, you need to provide valuable, high-quality content by using a variety of media. 

We’ve already established that longer pieces of text content will help rank better than shorter pieces of content, but if you combined that with videos then that will further add to your content on your pages and help your ranking.

Combining quality long text-based content, images and videos on your pages/website will improve your site’s rankings. However, if you stick to only text-based content you’ll constantly be outranked by sites that combine a variety of text, images and videos! 

And it’s simple to do, creating content should be easy your the expert in your industry that’s why you’re doing it therefore when creating content just think of what problems are you solving through your business! Creating videos nowadays is a lot more accessible than before, you don’t need anything fancy we’ve all got smartphones now just turn the camera on the hit the record button! Talk about a topic and provide some value within it. Someone watching can then take that advice and implement it straight away! 

3. Backlinks

By know if you’ve researched some SEO or talked to people who provide SEO you would have about backlinks – backlinks are a link from another website to a web resource page, like a blog post for example. 

By providing more value and video content, you will start receiving an increase in the number of websites linking to your content. 

So remember to provide quality and/or valuable information through video content to increase your backlinks which in turn helps place you higher in the search engines resulting in better rankings on Google. 

In addition, we recommend using YouTube to upload your videos. When uploading videos on YouTube you have the opportunity to link back to your website. We would recommend linking back to a piece of text content that your video can relate to.

So now you know how important video content can be to improve your websites SEO. Let’s discuss how you can get the most out of your videos.

Here’s a couple of tips:

1. Plan your videos around relevant, valuable educational content

The most important thing to remember is when creating video content it has to be something which is of benefit to the user and give some sort of value. Creating videos which have no purpose or helping your customers will not keep them engaged. The last thing you want to do is create a bunch of videos but have very little benefit. By doing this you won’t get the views and engagement you desire.

If you’re struggling for content have a look through your previous content on your blog page. Choose the most popular and start there, take the content from there and turn it into a video.

2. Upload videos to YouTube

Subscribe on Youtube channel

YouTube is the second largest search engine, with Google obviously being the first. With over 2 billion active monthly users, makes it the perfect opportunity of this huge audience and new traffic source.

Using your videos to link back to your website will help increase traffic to your site just using YouTube.

3. Optimise your Videos 

Now that you got a video and ready to upload on YouTube is essential that you fill out as much detail as you can. Add a title, description and all your tags. 

How to optimise YouTube Videos

By filling out all this info it will help with ranking the video in search results. 

4. Embed videos to your website

Now the most important part of all is to embed the video into your website. Upload it in a piece of content that is relevant to your topic. 

This where all the benefits of the above take effect. Remember to embed the video using the embed code from YouTube don’t directly upload it as the links won’t work.

And presto! That is how you can use videos to improve your SEO. And one final tip:

5. Create and upload videos consistently 

This will all be a waste of time if you don’t do it consistently and defeats the purpose of SEO. By consistently uploading videos to your website you will achieve the results of video to improve your SEO.

Start simple and practice getting the hang of creating videos and the process of uploading them. Once you get the hang then create a schedule to consistently keep posting these videos. 

Create some accountability for yourself to create regular video uploads. Start off with once a week or every two weeks, to begin with. Once you get more confident then increase the amount, but remember if you do increase it you want to stay consistent so if you decide to increase it to twice a week one on a Monday and Friday then you want to stick to that! 

Young successful developer working with computer with SEO performance on screen at workplace

By sticking to these simple tips you’ll be creating regular video content and on your way to increase your traffic.

We understand that not everyone has the time to regularly upload videos, that’s where we can help with P&C videos. You don’t need to worry about recording or creating a script, we use your existing web content and turn them into high-quality videos that are optimised for your site. All you need to do is send us a link to your content that you want to turn into a video. Easy! 


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