Many businesses exist that need an upgrade when it comes to their professional website. With the way things are headed in 2022, your page needs to stand out.

Web design comes in handy when you’re thinking about sprucing up your website. However, it can be tough to figure out how to start. You might decide to reach out to an SEO (search engine optimization) company or a digital marketing expert.

Keep reading to see different web design ideas to choose from.

1. Flashy and Colourful

Stand out with bold colour choices and eye-catching designs. With this web design idea, you can’t be afraid to be adventurous.

Use every option on the colour wheel, while staying on brand. You want to try something new without completely going off-road (unless that’s what your business needs). 

2. Sleek and Neutral

Another trend in 2022 has been sleek designs and neutral tones. With this web design option, you’ll gravitate towards dark or earthy tones. 

Everyone seems to be jumping on the plant bandwagon, and it goes hand-in-hand with greens and browns. This palette is attractive to the eye and gives a sense of high-class. 

3. Big and Loud Letters

This trend can be seen across big brands recently. T-shirts have one big block of text across the chest, keeping the brand the focal point. This can be used on a website.

Put your name out there with spunk and keep the text to a minimum.

4. Flashbacks

People love nostalgia. When you see something that reminds you of the good old days, it gives you a sense of happiness. 

Feel free to incorporate this idea into a website. In 2022, it seems like the 70s, 80s, and 90s are back in full swing. 

5. Keeping It Tidy

If the bold, adventurous colours aren’t your thing, you can try the tidy website design option. Another trend these days is the boxed-in and compartmentalized website.

Make everything easy to find and grouped neatly in nice, little boxes. If it’s easy for the customer to find what they need, your online sales increase.  

6. Fun and Interactive

If you have the expertise, throw in some fun interactive components to your webpage. Make your menu a moving drop-down that gives people something to keep their attention. Choose blog titles that fly in when you open the page. 

7. Moving Pieces

If you’re so inclined, include a video on your website. This web design trend has become very popular with easy tools used to incorporate them yourself. Make different sections appear when you hover over them or have pop-up windows.

How Does Good Web Design Improve Your Business?

Websites are important when they incorporate marketing techniques like SEO. It’s important to drive traffic to your brand new website using social media marketing as well. 

A unique choice in web design can improve traffic, increase revenue, and make your business stand out. For help in making your website grow, reach out to us today. 

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